A couple of weeks ago the kids and I went on a cool field trip to to the Arabia Steamboat Museum. In the 1860's, the Arabia sunk in the Missouri River while transporting goods and passengers. There were no casualties (other than a poor donkey who was still tethered when they excavated), but the goods sunk into the mud and soot of the Missouri where it stayed preserved for over 100 years. This is what took down the Arabia Steamboat, still lodged in it when they found it. The path of the Missouri River changed in that decade and in the 1980's a group of excavators located the Arabia buried in a corn field in Kansas, now on the opposite side of the river where it sank. What they recovered is nothing short of astonishing. Those are dishes I wish I had in my kitchen! All of these wooden clothespins survived a decade of submersion! Although the steamboat itself was in bad shape, and only one portion was able to be recovered and restored, the goods were s...