ASAP typically stands for 'as soon as possible'. What else could it stand for in your life right now? 'As Sweet as Pie'. Look at this sweet baby. He is definitely a highlight to every day, seeing him grow and learn and smile that precious smile! Being his Nana is the absolute best! Are you the last person to speak up in a group or the first to have an idea? Why do you suppose that is? Is it a good thing or no? I am a speaker upper, definitely. Even if I tell myself that I am going to be quiet, I don't. I have no idea why. Although I am an introvert, I am not shy. I do so much thinking and have so many ideas swirling around in my head that they just come spewing out when I'm in a group. I am overly opinionated, and I guess I just think I know something about everything. That's really annoying to people, I bet. I just can't be quiet! What do you remember best about being 12? Well, that would have been my 7th grade year. I probably remem...