I'm Tuesday-ing and Coffee Chatting a little earlier than normal these days. At the end of last year I decided to get serious about doing those four things each morning that always make my day go better: getting up early for coffee and quiet time, studying my Bible, exercising, and getting ready (from mascara to shoes), hopefully all before the kids get up to start their day. My start time was 7:00 a.m., but I found that I was feeling rushed. So last week I started setting my alarm for 6:30 a.m. Funny thing is, I actually wake up before then anyway. Now I am just being intentional about actually getting out of bed, or at least getting my cup of coffee and climbing back in bed for my quiet time. So let's Chat on this Tuesday: Who do you trust most? I don't like this topic. The short answer is: No one. There are lots of long answers, a long answer for every human I know, but I choose not to share. So I'll leave it at this ... I think we are too infallible as...