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Weekly Wrap-up with The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week ... Big changes from structured school days to summer. It's been a week that I hope is not the norm. There has been way too much time running around and dealing with situations that have been unnecessary and are a waste of time, gas, and money.

In our homeschool this week ... With Dawson getting a new part-time job, school ended a tad bit early. We did go to take Dawson's driver's test, and waited two hours only to be turned away at the end of the day because the only instructor had to leave for a doctor's appointment. What a huge waste of time. I have some filing to do of Dawson's assignments and notebooking pages, and came across a couple of things that Dawson did not get done that I thought he got done. That was frustrating. I guess he'll have to put in a half-day or so when he gets back from his trip to Missouri where he is working with his grandpa.

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share ... Don't get so behind on your filing and gradebook inputting. Yuck. I have some work to do.

I am inspired by ... community events that can be turned into unit studies. I have spoken about this before, but it has happened again! I received an e-mail that the community theatre will be doing the play "Jack and the Magic Beans" in the fall. Soooo, we will be doing a literature unit study on the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. I have researched themes, corresponding books, activities, and field trips (the play). It always amazes me how much fun I have planning this kind of unit!

Places we're going and people we're seeing ... Well, we saw Dawson's new employer and the car wash, a public school day for the last time (Eli's last day of school, and our last day of public school), Brynne's school friends at Big Bash at Eli's school, the DMV (for far too long), our church friends for a bowling Cast Party for their children's musical from last week, Kyndal (briefly), good friends Connor and Jaden who came over to play yesterday ... and that should be it for the week.

My favorite thing this week was ... since it's been a tough week on many accounts, I think right now where I am sitting in bed having a cup of coffee before everybody gets up.

What's working/not working for us ... Eli and Brynne started sharing a room almost two years ago. Brynne still has her own room, but she sleeps in Eli's room. Because of that, his room seems to be the one where all the toys end up. It is so cluttered and messy and it is NOT WORKING for me! It stresses me out every time I go in there. They are toy hounds, and there are buckets of toys EVERYWHERE! Rick and I are looking for a good shelving/cubbie unit to put in there. But until then, I've got to get in there and do some work! That's my goal for this afternoon. (Yesterday I tackled Dawson's room, closet, dresser, and the Nerd Cave. That made me feel much better.)

Questions/thoughts I have ... How can I better organize my homeschooling STUFF (books, supplies, upcoming units/subjects, past subjects/notebooks, etc.)?

Things I'm working on ... A schedule of what I would like to get accomplished this summer.

I'm reading ... Almost Amish by Nancy Sleeth and Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv

I'm cooking ... Tonight I think it'll be hot dogs and brats on the grill with french fries. We are going to take it easy this weekend, with lots of grilling. We don't really "do" holiday celebrations, so it will just be Rick and myself, Eli and Brynne. Dawson is gone for the weekend.

I'm grateful for ... Rick. I say that a lot, but it's the truth. I have been "presented" with a situation that is going to be very costly. Of course, I am a stay-at-home(schooling) mom, and have no income. So, who is going to have to foot the bill? My husband. But he loves me and my children and supports me and told me that I have "the full backing of the president". He has told me that everything I am doing is because it's the right thing to do, and he will support me (both emotionally and financially) in carrying it out.

I'm praying for ... myself and my family in a difficult situation we are in that includes a lot of emotions and finances.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share ... "Now, my tree-climbing days long behind me, I often think about the lasting value of those early, deliciously idle days. I have come to appreciate the long view afforded by those treetops. The woods were my Ritalin. Nature calmed me, focused me, and yet excited my senses." ~ Last Child in the Woods (Richard Louv talking about the lost art of children of playing outside.)

I will still be linking up each week to Weekly Wrap-up at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers, just more in this relaxed fashion.


  1. The Trofast system at Ikea has been an organizational godsend for us. Love, love, love it!

  2. Oh, Nicole, I hope whatever is going on will be settled soon with your finances!

    I think the best thing for organizing school supplies and even toys and clothing and whatnot is PURGING beforehand. If it's broken or missing pieces - gone! If it's outgrown, stained, ripped - gone! If it hasn't been looked at or played with or worn in a year - gone! Donate or trash! Not only will it make organizing easier, but other may benefit and you'll feel "lighter".

  3. I'll cross my fingers for you that everything that's worrying you goes the way you want them to. Wow, what a poorly contructed sentence - but the sentiment is good.

    Also, a big huge you for the TOS info - I was accepted!!!!!

  4. hoping and praying all situations that are eating at you are resolved soon. We are all here for you if you need to vent.

  5. It sounds like you have yourself a wonderful husband. I am sorry for whatever is going on, but am with you on being grateful for the type of man who is in it for better and worse (or costly!).

    I am going to check out "Almost Amish". Amish seems to be my theme right now for reading.

  6. I will be reading the responses to your question about organizing because I need help in that department. I hope that whatever situation is going on sorts itself out...God seems to have a way of providing even when things seem impossible.

  7. Wow, what a potent statement: "The woods were my Ritalin." There is so much in that. Over the winter I read the memoirs of the real Christopher Robin (yes, the son of A.A.Milne, of Winnie-the-Pooh fame) in "The Enchanted Places." He spent many happy hours with his nanny and parents in the woods surrounding his home - before his boarding school days. He says much about the woods and little about boarding school.
    I'd like to read "Last Child in the Woods."
    Karen A.

  8. "He has told me that everything I am doing is because it's the right thing to do, and he will support me (both emotionally and financially) in carrying it out."

    What an incredible blessing.


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