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Weekly Wrap-up ~ Exercise and Fresh Air, and Ted

When we have had a couple of weeks of fun unit studies, it always seems we just need a week to buckle down and do some book work to get caught up. That has been what this week has been like … doing all of our regular work with some extra reading. No bells and whistles. Just good, steady work. Oh, and some extra outside time. The weather has been amazing!

Meet Ted. We have lots of stray cats that like to frequent our cat Clifford's food bowl. But they usually run off with a "psssstt"! But not this black cat. He has taken up residence on our back porch and no matter how many times we try to run him off or keep him from Clifford's food, he sticks around. Clifford even seems to like him. This morning I went out to feed Clifford and he shared his food with him. Side-by-side they stood. So, Eli named him Ted. And it looks like Clifford now has a best bud.

Then we had another pet incident when the wind blew open the gate to our backyard and all four of our dogs got out. I went out to let them in and the gate was shut again, but the dogs were gone. The kids freaked. I felt like I was in a Twilight Zone episode. It was like they vanished. Thankfully they were down the street and around the corner … all four together.

The Past Week in our Regular Life

Well, the worst case scenario has happened. I have given up coffee and tea. After I bragged about how good the Pepcid Complete was working, it began to fail me and my heartburn and stomach burning came back with a vengeance. As I really, really, really want to make as many dietary changes as possible before I resort to some kind of prescription medication, I turned to the internet for some research. Obviously my issue is acid reflux, and coffee and tea has tons of acid. I just had to give it up. (That with some other things … primarily any tomato-based products … boooo!!!)

But I really NEED a hot beverage in the mornings. Research taught me that chamomile tea is the way to go. My problem is that I don't like sweet, flavored drinks, so I was reluctant. But, chamomile is fine and (although it is NOT my morning coffee) it has been a pleasant start to my day. I am now working on identifying the other food triggers.

The Schooling Basics

Bible - We went back for more discussion about the division of the kingdom of Israel and the ensuing captivities of Israel and Judah due to their evil ways.

Grammar - We have been learning about pronouns and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person (have you ever actually read a story in 2nd person? I have to admit, I didn't even know it existed. I guess if you were writing a love story to someone that would be 2nd person.)

Spelling - We added the "sneaky y" to chunking, copy work and dictation in Spelling U See and memorized "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly". And in Soaring with Spelling we also learned some short vowel words.

Handwriting - We are two weeks away from completing Handwriting without Tears - Cursive Success. Five lessons were completed this week.

Math - In Math U See Gamma we went back to do some more problems from Lesson 25 and continued with multiple digit multiplication, this time multiplying three digit numbers by two digit numbers. In Mastering 5th Grade Math - Fractions, we found the Greatest Common Factor of three numbers. These take quite a bit of time to do. And we have now started a third math curriculum, another review product, where we are starting to learn about division. The kids really like this program! I can honestly say that we have math covered right now!

Writing - We worked on organizing stories and started problem/solution stories on community helpers with character and setting descriptions. Eli is writing about an ice cream man whose uniform shrunk in the dryer. Brynne is writing about a teacher who forgot how to do math. We also wrote some limericks.

Science - In Science4Us we completed the Earth Features module.

The Schooling Fun Stuff

Dallas Seavey - and he broke the record!

The Iditarod winner has crossed the finish line, as well as all but about a dozen more. The race will not be completed for another day or two when the final racers come through. There were some major twists and turns in the last stretch and the leader actually scratched (quit) with just 25 miles left to go! The conditions of the trail were insane this year. First it was so barren that they were pulling sleds on dry ground. Then at the end the wind was 65 mph with ice. Mushers were disoriented and getting lost on the trail. It was a crazy week following the Iditarod and one of the funnest things we have done in our homeschool. You MUST do this with your kids next year! Start by going to the Iditarod website and downloading the media kit (it will give you lot of information about the race, even its history). Then watch "Toughest Race on Earth" by the Discovery Channel. Major fun unit!! We are sad it's over!

On Thursday we attended our second Lewis and Clark class at our public library sponsored by the University of Missouri Extension Center. The kids wrote the supply list in their journals, listened to a story, and made canoe paddles with paper bags and paint stirring sticks.

Eli has really been into drawing video game worlds and creating characters. He puts a lot of time into his creations. Good stuff!

The Kitchen

Broccoli cheese noodle soup, spaghetti and texas toast, chicken stir fry, chicken crescents with mashed potatoes, and cereal one night! Kyndal is wanting to eat lower calorie meals, so that has my new "easy weeknight meals" thrown out the window. This next week we are planning pork tacos, bbq pulled pork sandwiches and fruit, and homemade healthy thin-crust pizzas.

The Days Ahead

More basketball.  Brynne is in another tournament this weekend.

Next week I have my women's small group on Tuesday night, handbell choir practice and church potluck on Wednesday night. Brynne will likely have a basketball practice or two. Dawson will be working. Kyndal will be going to school. Eli will be doing all he can do to stay home and play with his toys. We only have 3 more weeks of school until our Spring Break vacation and then only 2 more weeks of school when we get back before we are done for the year!!! We are all ready for an extended break. We are working hard toward that goal.

The Books We are Reading

Mom: And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini, Winterdance by Gary Paulsen.

Brynne: A Big Year for Lily by Mary Ann Kinsinger and Suzanne Woods Fisher.

Eli: Diary of a Real Payne by Annie Tipton.

Read Aloud:  Papa and the Leprechaun King by Arthur Cola.

The People and the Places

On Monday afternoon we met some other homeschooling families at the park for some playtime. We have needed some outside play for so long! It was windy but so amazing to be outside! We have also been walking and riding our bikes every day.

We also went to a community center for some swim time on Friday afternoon.

The Savings Jar(s)

I saved $4.08 in change this week. And, I successfully saved another $75 out of our gas budget to go toward our trip to Florida, so $205 total. I should have $290 saved by the time we leave. Go me!

The Bible in a Year

I have completed the first four books of the Old Testament and am now in Deuteronomy. I have to say I am glad to be out of Leviticus and Numbers. Reading all of the rituals and family lines was difficult to read.

The Favorite Things

A date night last Friday night with Rick. We went out to dinner and to Walmart. It was nice to spend some time alone!

The girls started getting up with me to go on my walk! Kyndal takes Chloe on a leash, Brynne rides her bike, and I take Crusoe. We go on a 2-mile route and it feels great! I have enjoyed spending that time with my girls. I hope to instill in them the importance of physical fitness.

Linking up


  1. We've actually never watched the Iditarod (and when i say never, I mean never in my life). We might just have to next year. Good job on your savings! An extra 290 for spending will be nice to have.

  2. you might like TAZO Zen or Passion tea. They are light and not sweet or fruity. Good Luck my cousin has bad acid reflux, stress is also a cause her doctor said. She's a street cop in a bad area so lots of stress. So maybe it's a combo of some foods and stress for you also?

  3. We LOVE the Iditarod. A friend of ours went to Alaska last year and brought the kids back an autographed book by Libby Riddles, the first female winner of the race. We watched the reality show and then followed along with the actual race this year. It's a really fun thing to do in your homeschool - I agree!!

    Thanks for linking with Collage Friday!

  4. I also suffer from acid reflux in a bad way. Different things have worked at different times but I am on a daily medication as well. I am also reading through the Bible with a women's group and just started the same book as you.


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