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Tuesday Coffee Chat

Random Confession. It's good for the soul.

I am kind of an open book on this blog, and always have been. I am not sure I have anything to confess that you don't already know. So I guess the only thing I can say is that I am a t.v.aholic.

I was raised in a home where nightly television shows were our entertainment. We watched a lot of t.v. as a family, everything from Little House on the Prairie to Beverly Hills 90210 to Knots Landing. We would eat dinner, clean the kitchen, and then settle into the family room for t.v. time.

Not much has changed, except I DVR everything so I don't have to watch commercials anymore.

I like to get dinner done and cleaned up and be on the couch to watch t.v. by about 6:30 p.m. at night. I have loads of shows that I watch! There are a few things we watch all as a family, but for the most part we all watch different things. I happen to watch most of everything with everybody. It's just what I like to do.

Here is a list of shows that I watch (possibly a complete list, although I might be missing some shows):

Project Runway
Amazing Race
Downton Abbey
Call the Midwife
The Following
Worst Cooks in America
Game of Thrones
How to Get Away with Murder
Criminal Minds
Law and Order: SVU
Secrets and Lies (new)
Dig (new)
Parenthood (just finished the series finale)
Once Upon a Time (on Netflix)
Orange is the New Black (on Netflix)
American Crime (new)
The Big Bang Theory
The Night Shift

That's about 22 hours of television a week, minus commercials (yikes!), and not counting any movies we watch on the weekends. Oh well. It's my thing. I don't ever watch any daytime television, however. In fact, unless the kids and I are watching a video for school or they are watching a cartoon they have DVR'd on their lunch break, we don't even turn on the t.v. (except early in the morning when Macie is watching cartoons before we start schoolwork). Eli cannot stand for the t.v. to be on unless someone is sitting down actively watching it.

So there you have it. I love to watch television. I confess.


  1. I love it when well-educated moms confess that they love to watch tv. And it's even better when they don't watch necessarily high-brow, educational stuff, but the stuff that's just meant for pure entertainment value. I watch a bunch of tv shows and always feel silly admitting to the ones I watch. I watch several of the same shows you do (recently finished Parenthood - so sad that it is over! And don't tell me the ending of How to Get Away with Murder - I watch on Hulu so I'm a couple weeks behind!). And you probably don't need a suggestion for another show, but I thought in case you need something in the summer when other shows are on break... I just finished catching up to the current season on Netflix of Pretty Little Liars. Complete and utter mindless entertainment! Great show... I'd say it's similar to Revenge in some ways, but in a teen setting and more of a mystery. Happy tv watching!

    1. I have actually watched Pretty Little Liars over the years with my daughter. It is pretty good!

  2. I have watched entirely too much TV. It is very true that TV is not aimed at the senior generation, so I love Netflix and streaming TV.

  3. Shhhh! Me too. Well, maybe not quite as many shows or as much time, but considering I don't have cable OR Netflix...My list includes Survivor, The Amazing Race, The Voice, Little Women: LA (I have no idea why I find this show amusing as it's BAD), Big Bang, Cupcake Wars, Chopped....and Hell's Kitchen (which I think starts tomorrow?). I am able to watch these during the week for free on-line somewhere.

  4. I missed The Following premiere last night!!!! :(
    hopefully they will replay it. I have no idea why my DVR missed it.
    I have been watching the same shows mostly for years now: Criminal Minds, NCIS:LA, Law and Order: SVU, and I am getting kinda tired of those shows now. So I did go looking for new shows and ended up over-dosing on Netflix for all the back episodes of Downton Abbey, House of Cards, and Sherlock. Then my mom gave me all the Games of Thrones DVDs that she had. So hooked on that one. And of course my regulars that I CANNOT miss are The Walking Dead and Agents of Shield.
    It's so easy to get addicted when they are actually many shows now that are incredibly well written and performed. TV is actually better than most movies these days. But honestly, it's not like I can leave the house every night when I have 3 young children here, so I am kinda stuck... but I am usually actually multi-tasking while I watch: like I recently tried to learn how to knit. (confession: I'm horrible! ha)

  5. Nothing wrong with that! My husband and I have TV watching dates 4 nights a week. The kids have to be in bed by 8:30, and we spend 2 1/2-3 hours watching our favorite shows together. We like many on your list. We're currently watching House of Cards, The Walking Dead, Better Call Saul, True Detective, and rewatching The Gilmore Girls the entire way through for the third time! I'm a huge Criminal Minds fan, but he isn't so I watch that when I'm working out!

  6. Oh are a TV-aholic! But, I really think that is your choice! I always wonder about people who say, "I don't watch TV." Like it is morally wrong or "bad". It is a choice, like any other pastime.
    I love Criminal Minds and Big Bang, too. I watch a lot of shows that are not necessarily "popular", documentaries, educational stuff, critter related shows. Yeah, my likes! Have a great week!


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