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Weekly Wrap-up ~ A Week Off

In our regular life this week…

Does anybody else feel like we do not live in freedom anymore in this country? Seriously this week I have spent more time, energy, and money in attempts to enforce my rights (and the rights of my family) than I care to in a lifetime. I just find it crazy the amount of red tape one has to go through just to receive the things of which he or she is legally entitled. (And I'm not being greedy or over-the-top. I'm just talking basic rights.) Peace of mind is being replaced by time and money expended at exponential rates. It's maddening! And exhausting! Thursday we were so grateful for a day full of rain so that we had nowhere to go. We played video games, watched movies, read, and just relaxed, all while not even getting out of our pj's. It was a much-needed day of rest.

In our homeschool this week…

We took this week off from our studies. Other than some lesson planning by me, school did not enter our radar. (Except for the occasional stop by our tadpole bucket to check on their progress.)

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Oh .. Last Friday we went on a family scouting campout. We got the tent up without a problem, fixed some foil pack dinners and roasted hotdogs, and then Rick and the kids went for a walk along a trail. When they came back the kids were COVERED in ticks, I mean everywhere! We pulled ticks off for a couple of hours. After dark Rick called me over because Eli had four ticks, well, in a place where a boy doesn't want ticks. That was a stressful few moments! We convinced him that we should stay instead of going home. Then at 6:00 a.m. the pack leader started banging on tents for us to get up because a storm was coming in. We packed everything back up and were home by 7:30 a.m. (after a run through McDonald's). Mmmmmm ... can't wait for the next campout.

On Tuesday Kyndal and I visited the cosmetology school she will be attending in the fall. We stopped and had lunch together. It was a nice day.

On Wednesday I went to Kansas City with my mom and niece to see my sister's house that is being updated. She had every room of the house painted and it looked great! We went for lunch and did a tad bit of shopping before coming home.

Eli and Brynne spent both days with Dawson. His girlfriend babysits for some kids that are Eli and Brynne's ages, so they hung out at their house playing. Brynne got her first skinned elbow of the season. Summer is here!

Last night I took Dawson and Taylar to Kansas City so she could shop for swimming suits. We met up with Kyndal and Collin and did some shopping and had dinner. It was kind of fun to hang out with my "adult" kids and their others. Fun to see the kinds of people they are turning out to be.

Today we are going to my parents' lakehouse to spend the night.

A favorite thing this week was…

The rain and cool temperatures. It was so nice to have the windows open with cool air and a nice breeze. Plus, I love the sound of rain when I am sleeping!

What's in the kitchen this week ...

Have I even cooked this week? I can't even recall. I did make chicken fettucine for all of the kids who were home on Tuesday night. Otherwise, we've just been eating easy throw-together meals.

What we're reading ...

Mom: Mercy by Jodi Piccoult, Becoming a Titus 2 Woman by Martha Peace, Created to be His Helpmeet by Debi Pearl, Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh.

Eli: Nothing this week.

Brynne: Nothing this week.

Read-aloud: Nothing this week.

Things we're working on…

Enjoying a few days off before we start our summer school schedule on Monday.

I’m grateful for ...

The good general health of my family. On Monday night Eli was up with a violent stomach ache from about 10:30 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. I was pretty sure it was just gastrointestinal, but when nothing worked to relieve the pain I got worried that it might be his appendix. I just prayed and prayed that I would not need to take him to the hospital because I couldn't bear the thought of him having to go through an i.v., catheter, blood tests, CT scans, etc., just to figure out what was wrong. I was relieved when the pain finally subsided and he slept peacefully. (Of course, I did not.)

I cannot imagine having a chronically ill child. I don't think God made me strong enough to handle something like that.

In the garden…

I finished my pizza garden by planting oregano and basil, to go along with the already planted green peppers, jalapenos, purple basil, and parsley.

In my salsa garden I planted cilantro and marigolds. I will be planting two tomato plants and a cherry tomato bush this weekend.

In my herb garden I put in my rosemary, dill, thyme, and calendula.

The kids' Square Foot Garden already has some shoots! If it would stop raining we could go out and check it out!

What's coming up this week ...

We will be launching into our summer school schedule that includes daily math, cursive handwriting, Bible/culture, reading, and our unit study. We will be working heavily on Life Cycles.

Things you might have missed at Journey to Excellence ...

A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…

We are happily linking up this week at the following sites:


  1. What a fun week (except for the stressful parts)! Ticks- ugh!

    I am with you on feeling the squeeze on our freedoms. That's all I will say.

    I look forward to reading about your summer school.

  2. fun things happening at your place this week!
    I love the idea of a pizza garden. So exciting to see those tender shoots bursting forth.
    We've been having tick problems here, too. I think we'll have to be diligent about prevention and checking this season.
    Enjoyed a peek into your homeschooling/family world this week. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I WANT that wine glass! :)

    Sounds like a really busy week, Nicole, and I bet it's just the tip of the iceberg. Hope you get some time to relax this weekend!

  4. I like the idea of calling the gardens after the foods they go in. My son would have a BLT garden. Although not the B part. I used to have a herb garden at our old house years ago. I didn't take very good care of it. I think it is time to try again.

  5. That sounds like one crazy camping trip! You'd never know from the pictures. ;) My daughter just finished cosmetology school. She is working now and really enjoys it.

  6. I often joke about the fact that my two worst fears in life are Zombies and ticks. When tick season rolls around I am a basket case checking all the animals. Mainly because my poodle sleeps hip to hip with me every single night and invariably every year I get one or two ticks on me. I could not stand it if I was picking off tons. Otherwise sounds like you had a really great week with all the visiting.

  7. Crazy camping with that many ticks 8( So sorry to hear of the stressful struggles. Does it get easier? Prob not 8(


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