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Showing posts with the label Book Reports

Follow-up to the Book Report Post

A couple of weeks ago I posed the following question on both this blog and the Schoolhouse Review Crew Forum: Do you think it is important to have your child do a formal book report (of some kind) after reading a book? I received several responses, of which I really appreciated. There was a reason that I asked the question. Up until just a few weeks ago, my kids have been fairly reluctant readers. Yes, they read when they were told to, but they just did it because it was required. There was no spark, no interest, no joy. I am an avid reader and so desperately want my kids to be, as well! A couple of weeks ago I started requiring the kids (now ages 9 and 7) to read age-appropriate chapter books. I let them start out with graphic novels. Eli really seemed to enjoy them. And, Brynne moved on to read the first book of Diary of a Wimpy Kid . They liked what they were reading. I saw smiles and received no complaints when I told them it was time to read. Eli moved into the Capt...