Yesterday was the conclusion of our Pond Study . It was a beautiful day, not like the rainy day we endured last week. Here is a picture of the pond in our neighborhood where we typically do our studies. We were set on seeing some dragonflies while we were there this time because we know they are usually there. Before we went for our Pond Walk, we read the book Pond Walk , written and illustrated by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace. This was a great book to prepare us for our walk! It even described the difference between a dragonfly and a damselfly. (Do you know the difference?) ... a dragonfly's wings are expanded when it lands and a damselfly's wings move in close to it's body. We watched them at the pond and determined that they were, in fact, dragonflies. However, we weren't quick enough to get a picture of them being still. Brynne searched around for some rocks and sticks to make a painted rock turtle, as demonstrated in the back of Pond Walk . She revised he...