The 2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi are quickly approaching! Of course that is a perfect excuse to do a fun unit study (and count some t.v. watching time as school)!! Two years ago, for the summer olympics, we did a general unit study. I planned way too much and we gave up way too early. So this year, I wanted to focus our study a bit more. I am hoping that it will make it a little more fun! I have two 4th grade students, so all of our activities are planned for children in the 3rd-5th grade age group. As all good unit studies should start with a read-aloud , we will be reading Dunc and the Greased Sticks of Doom by Gary Paulsen. Five … four … three … two … Olympic superstar Francesco Bartoli is about to hurt himself down the face of a mountain in another attempt to clinch the world slalom speed record. Cheering fans and snapping cameras are everywhere. But someone is out to stop him, and Dunc thinks he knows who it is. Can Dunc get to the gate in time to save the...