Welcome to the second week of our Polar Animals party! Last week we had a lot of fun learning about Denmark and Polar Bears . This week we moved across the big water to Northern Canada and learned about the Snowy Owl. Unfortunately, our library does not have the non-fiction book supply that I wish it had. In fact, there weren't even any fictional books about snowy owls (sigh). I don't like to do research with my kids on the internet. I like a colorful book loaded with facts. But, we do what we have to do. All of our facts came from Canadian Geographic . Due to some technical wireless difficulties, they did not get Canadian flags colored as of this posting. They will be working on them tomorrow. We decided to incorporate the Snowy Owls into our regular studies, as well as learn about them as a separate unit. It was an all-around Snowy Owl week. (We even discussed the Snowy Owl at the Tulsa Zoo whom we have visited several times.) Eli and Brynne watched a great PBS vi...