I think that the other ladies have already concluded their units on Polar Animals, but we started a week late and had just a little more we wanted to accomplish before we finished. This week we wrapped up our study by learning about Sweden and the Minke Whale. Before starting, we tied up some loose ends by editing and revising our information paragraphs on the Snowy Owl as part of our WriteShop Primary Book A lesson. These paragraphs were written off of a story web created by the kids. The Snowy Owl by Brynne We saw snowy owls at the zoo. My owl has yellow eyes. The owl looks at me. The male snowy owl is all white to blend into the sky and snow. At the zoo, they make it really cold so the snowy owl can live. I am so glad to have a snowy owl at the zoo. The Snowy Owl by Eli Snowy owls are the snowiest creatures on Earth. The male snowy owl is all white. Males need to blend into the sky and snow. The owls have sharp...