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One Week

We start school one week from today. Are we ready?

Kyndal is at the high school right now getting her schedule. She has English III, Algebra II, and Chemistry, then she will leave each day and go to Tech to her Cosmetology classes. We ordered her backpack (she's one of those kids that looooooves a new backpack every year) and got her favorite binder, the Mead Hybrid Flexible. We'll pick up her favorite mechanical pencils and then wait to see what other exhorbidant school supplies we need. For Tech, we purchased her black smock. She still needs to get black or khaki pants and black shoes. I even bought her a little blinged out pair of scissors pin to wear on her smock. And the girl's ready.

Dawson has been sick this whole week, on the couch. Hopefully he'll get to feeling better so he can enjoy his last few days of freedom. I'm still waiting on his Teaching Textbooks Algebra I materials to get here. Should be just a couple more days. I've got his first American History Living Book, Blood on the River, waiting for me at the library. The lesson plans for his first history unit are complete (I only have three more units to plan to complete the year ... yay me!). He has a "special treat" coming in the mail for his first personal reading book. It's pure fluff, but does fit into his genre requirements. Biology is ready to go. And his guitar book and stand are on their way for his first guitar class on August 29th. We are ready!

Eli got his hair cut yesterday and his First Day of School outfit is ready (he picked it all out himself.) He gets to go meet his teacher next Wednesday and drop off his supplies. Speaking of supplies, all I need to get for him is the classroom help materials, like paper towels and ziplock bags. He is so funny about consistency. He is using the same backpack and lunchbox he used for Kindergarten and 1st Grade. I told him he could have new ones, but he wanted to use the same ones. We did pick out a new water bottle for him to take to school. We have a rule that he is not allowed to drink out of the water fountains at school, to help keep him healthy, so he takes a water bottle every day. Sometimes he takes Green Tea instead. I think it has gone a long way toward keeping him healthy! Although physically Eli is ready to start school, mentally he is not. And his mama isn't ready for him to, either.

Brynne is always ready for school to start. She hasn't stopped doing school, even this summer. All of her materials are ready and waiting for her to get started. Since we start school on Thursday, with our public school, it will be Science Day (We'll start history the following week. All of our books are here and ready). I need to get a large piece of paper because I am going to trace her body the first day to use for our Human Body study. We will be adding to it the whole unit. We need to make a trip to the library next Tuesday so she can get all of her personal reading books. She's getting a "big girl" haircut that day, too. She won't wear bows anymore (sniff .. sniff), so needs more of a style. All of our MEP materials are printed and organized for our math lessons, and we're excited to start nature and art. It's going to be a great year!

And Mama is ready, too. I am so thrilled that I spent all summer getting ready for our lessons. I have binders prepared, lesson plans completed, schedules made and printed, books requested (or on a book list on our library website for future request), supplies purchased. The only thing I really have left to do is finalize Brynne's first science unit and clean up and organize the office downstairs. Dawson will be using it more this year when he's doing independent computer work for Algebra, Biology, Typing and Spanish.

The real thing I am ready for is a SCHEDULE! I have slacked off stopped exercising the past few weeks. My diet has been spotty, at best. I have been sleeping in every day, staying up later at night. My quiet time has been non-existent. My house is not clean. My laundry is not done. I'd like to say that I'm just relaxing to gear up for the school year. But that is not true. I am lazy right now. And sluggish. And I need to kick things back into gear.

Although we do not start school until Thursday, I am starting my part of the school schedule on Monday. (Having Brynne's birthday over will be helpful.) I'm going to start getting up early again, exercising, having my quiet time, getting myself completely ready each day, and then tackling any projects I need to complete before Thursday. I know this will improve my mood and my productivity.

One week left. But we are ready.

We're linking up with Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. Next week we'll be wrapping up our first week of school.


  1. my girls go back on tuesday (a half day) then full days from wednesday on I'm going to miss them so much :(

    my college courses don't start officially till the following tuesday but I'll have the books so next week I hope to get a jump start on my work.

    hope dawson gets better soon, summer colds stink.

    at the girls school they have to have water bottles so less water fountain breaks and for keeping the school healthy it does help tons!

    sounds like your ready and have a great party this weekend

  2. :0) So glad you enjoyed the surprise. You deserve it. Wishing you all the best as you start your new school year. Can't wait to see what the kids will be doing.


  3. So fun!

    About the large paper... Our local newspaper gives away the ends of the newspaper rolls for free if you just want one or two but if you want more the charge $7 a roll, still not a bad price. The ends of the rolls still have TONS of paper! We use it for everything, maybe you can snag a roll at you paper (:

  4. Wow! Sounds like your all set to get your year underway. (We're not starting until 9/6.) I started off the week full of energy and determination to get the house whipped into shape for school, but the last couple of days I've been sluggish too! I even took a 3 hour nap today! (I hope I'm not coming down with something for last few weeks of summer! Ugh!) The best for your upcoming school year!

  5. Wishing you an amazing school year!

  6. Love the blinged out scissors! routines are so important. I know everything at my house goes to pieces *fast* when I slip out of my groove.


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